Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry
Refractory Plugs

Gas Carburizing & Carbon Nitriding, Nitrocarburizing, Ion Nitriding, Pack Carburizing and Scale Prevention, Spark Igniters, Duffy-Catalyst, Duffy-Stainless Foil, Refractory Plugs, Nuts & Bolts, Baskets, Refractory Plugs, Heat Treating needs

  • Refractory Plugs
    Vacuumed formed ceramic fiber plug for continuous operation to 2100° F. Complete with stainless steel anchor pins. Suitable for use with 6 5/8" O.D. U -Tube assembly on 9" centers.

Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry

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Duffy Products

Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry