Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry
Duffy Catalyst

Gas Carburizing & Carbon Nitriding, Nitrocarburizing, Ion Nitriding, Pack Carburizing and Scale Prevention, Spark Igniters, Duffy-Catalyst, Duffy-Stainless Foil, Refractory Plugs, Nuts & Bolts, Baskets, Catalyst, Heat Treating needs

  • Catalyst
    Designed specifically for use in endothermic and exothermic atmosphere generators. The catalyst cubes are porous, lightweight refractory that has been impregnated with nickel throughout.

    Long catalyst life and maximum gas cracking efficiency are achieved as these cubes provide the maximum surface area per pound of catalyst.

Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry

Pricing Delivery ... From stock - any quantity
$9.75 per pound (no minimum order)
Density ... 30 - 32 Lbs./cu ft
Size ... approximately 11/16" and 1" cubes
Other sizes available upon request.

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Duffy Products

Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry