Conduron Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry
Conduron Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry

Gas Carburizing & Carbon Nitriding, Nitrocarburizing, Ion Nitriding, Pack Carburizing and Scale Prevention, Spark Igniters, Duffy-Catalyst, Duffy-Stainless Foil, Refractory Plugs, Nuts & Bolts, Baskets, Alumdum Balls, Heat Treating needs

  • Conduron G55
    CONDURON G55 provides excellent protection against deep case carburizing up to .225". It is the only stop-off paint available which is effective at these case depths. Normally two (2) applications are required. Like Condursal 710, Conduron G-55 is also free of solvents and other harmful materials. It will not glaze the inside of your furnace like competitive stop-offs. An added benefit of Conduron G-55 is that it can be removed from a carburizing cycle into room air, allowed to cool to room temperature, then charged into a hardening furnace and still effectively stop-off.
Condursal Stop Off Paints for the heat treating industry

Stop-off Paint for Deep Case Carburizing up to .225"
Pricing (per can)
1-5 cans
case lot
CN-1K55 (quart)
$52.00 (48)
CN-5K55 (gallon)
$252.00 (10)
Duffy Special Thinners
1-5 cans
case lot
CN-7QT Yellow Label
$13.00 (40)
CN-7GAL Yellow Label
$29.00 (10)

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  • Properties
    CONDURON G55 is extremely effective as a stop-off paint for all kinds of gas carburizing. It is particularly suited for deep carburizing up to case depths of .225" Since the residues of Conduron G55 are not soluble in water, alkaline or solvents, they have to be removed after heat treatment by blasting. Conduron G55 is free of any solvents, which becomes more and more important with respect of health and safety regulations.